Kubernetes Docker experiments 🎋


Welcome fan of Bubble tea.

This project is for people who are curious and want to learn how to deploy an application from A to B to several environements such as:

  • Docker for your development environment
  • Minikube for emuling your Kubernetes production environment
  • Kubernetes for your production environment on GCloud

Throughout this guide we’ll learn several thing which are describe in the table of contents below

Table of contents¶


At the end of this project you should be able to get a good grasp on Docker, Kubernetes and GCloud.

Below are the objectives that we should have reach

- Be able to deploy an app on Docker
- Understand the architecture of Kubernetes
- Understand the difference between Kubernetes & Docker Swarm
- Know how to use minikube for local prototyping
- Know how to deploy a web app from A to B with kubernetes within GCloud
- Understand when & how to scale a cluster on multiple pods & on several timezone.
- Be able to add an other service to an existing GCloud product (e.g: GCloud SQL) 
- Be able to understand & implement a deamon, service & side-car (e.g: Cloud SQL Proxy)
- Understand & know how to deploy a load balancer
- Deploy a load balancer for multiple cluster
- Be able to know implement a monitoring process by using stackdriver & grafana.
- Create Cron task on GCloud 

Go deeper

If you wish to go deeper into learning Kubernetes I recommend you to take a look at this website Kubernetes by example

Enjoy ! 🎎

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