Helm on GCP

Helm & GKE

Previously we’d deployed our app in Minikube with Helm. In order to see a real life example let’s deploy our app into GCP. For this example we will install a secure Helm.

Installing Helm

In order to do that I suggest you to carefully follow the great article of Jonathan Campos on this subject

By securely install Helm. We’re leveraging the security of our Cluster. Indeed only users with signed keys will be able to access to execute Helm command in our Cluster.

Deploying our application

With helm installed all of our operations is going to be use like so

helm <action> --tls

With helm we should be able to not modify anything regarding our deployments thus we should be able to use it right-away. First let’s analyze our bobba-api

helm install --tls --debug --dry-run -f bobba-helm-chart/values-api-prod.yaml ./bobba-helm-chart

You should see 3 Kubernetes objects:

  • A deployment (our bobba-api)
  • A service (bobba-api-service)
  • An ingress controller

If you didn’t get any error let’s deploy !

helm install --tls -f bobba-helm-chart/values-api-prod.yaml ./bobba-helm-chart

Let’s see the full deployment by using the command

helm status --tls <release_name>

You should get an output like the image below


Repeat the same steps for the front-end project. With the front project you should get these Kubernetes object:

  • Deployment
  • Service
  • Loadbalancer

You should get the same output



Installing helm on GKE

Install secure Helm on GKE

Ingress documentation