Services API

Regarding our API (back-end) we’re not required to deploy our API in a special port. This mean that we could use the NodePort withot any headache. Let’s configured the service so that it will use the NodePort

Configuration of the api service

As always we’re going to describe how the yaml file is. The original file is available in the k8s/services/api_service.yml folder

kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
  # This is the name of the service
  name: bobba-api
  # Type of service
  type: NodePort
    # This should match the labels that defined your pods
    app: bobba-api
    tier: backend
  # If no IP. Kubernetes will assign a random port
  - nodePort: 31320
    protocol: TCP
    # port expose to the cluster
    port: 80
    # Port of the pods
    targetPort: 8000

Now let’s create our service

Create your service with this command

kubectl create -f k8s/services/api_service.yml

Now we need to check that our services is created and exposed our Nodes by running this command

kubectl get services

You should see the following outputs

bobba service

Now you should be able to access to your service. Use the command below in order to retrieve the minikube IP

minikube ip

Then you are able to target the backend with this url with <minikube_ip>:port/{route}

If you try to fetch a route like /bobbas you’ll see that we have an error regarding our database. Indeed we haven’t create our database yet ! Let’s do it

Let’s create our database


While it does what we want it does has some drawbacks. Moreover we also have theses drawbacks:

  • One service per port
  • Can only use port from 30000 - 32767
  • If NodeIP change we need to deal with this